Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A tumbling Iceberg almost killed me

Yes, an Iceberg off Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, tumbled right over as I approached it in a dory. What's a dory? It's a unique old style boat here in Newfoundland that fishermen used to row to go fishing. They were also used on schooners off the Grand Banks.
But on this particular day I rowed out to try to get a chunk of ice off this iceberg that had come into the mouth of the harbour. I was told the ice makes a nice cracking and fizzing sound if you put a piece of it in a glass of rum. Well low and behold, as I approached the iceberg, didn't the darn thing suddenly shake and vibrate and then it "turtled" over as quick as a piece of ice will do in a glass. The wave it produced headed right toward my dory and I barely had time to react. But I did drop down low in my dory and thankfully all that happened was the dory lifted right up and down and never rolled over. It was that fast. I was lucky!
Then I heard the most strangest voice!! Really!
Why don't you click on over to this site and find the song, lyrics and the tune called Iceberg Towering Over Me. Just scroll down the page till you find it.
You can hear it and feel the chords I use on my guitar as they will explain how weird and scary all this was. Enjoy!

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