Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Amazed at Let Them Be Kids

I'm in Woody Point today checking on my new house there near the lighthouse and dropped into the Post Office and Library to sign up. The wonderful librarian there told me all about the Let Them Be Kids project. I will not be able to attend their 25th special day of September they have in Trout River for the playground construction, but I offered three cds of our music (One Room School cd) (and our two latest ones) to sell and keep 100% of the sale. Hope folks will buy them for at least 10 dollars each.
Good luck to all who are making this playground a success and most of all to the kids...play often, play fair, and play well!
Cheers~~~Mike Madigan (box 56 Woody Point Bonne Bay Nfld A0K 1P0) mike_madigan@yahoo.com www.thesharecroppers.net

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Living on the Humber River

The Humber River is quite the beautiful place to live next to here in Steady Brook Newfoundland. I'm staying for the month of August in a beautiful chalet where I can literally throw in my salmon line. Yes, I have a license too! The chalet is made of wood, has about 15 windows, and overlooks the Humber River. Now and then a canoe or small boat will go by and work up the 4 mph flowing current.
It's great and what's really wonderful is my special friend, companion, confidante and wife will be with me on August 7th to share in the joy here. (No, that's not 4 people I'm referring to!! )lol
My mom's old fiddle adorns the fireplace mantle and my big bass fiddle rests in the corner. The stereo system here is good and I have been practicing both those instruments as well as my guitar in this special acoustically sound place.
Well my coffee is ready and I must go in the canoe today.....who knows....maybe it'll be salmon for supper!